The next Meeting of the Parish Council will take place Virtually on TUESDAY 16th MARCH 2021 at 7.00 p.m. (Link via the Clerk)
Yours sincerely
J.L. Pomeroy
Clerk & RFO to the Parish Council
1. To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Request –
3. Public Session
4. To confirm Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 16th February 2021.
5. To consider matters arising from the last meeting:
(a) King Georges Field
(b) NHP
6. Planning Notices :
PA21/01141- Land off Higher Trenant – Reserved Matters (duplicate of PA20/10911) – for comment.
7. Payment of Accounts – Ratification of payments made under delegated lockdown powers and each authorised by two Councillors :
See Clean - Bus Shelter Maintenance - £43.80
J.L. Pomeroy - Salary Expenses Jan-March 2021 t.b.c.
HMRC - PAYE t.b.c.
8 Correspondence Received: as circulated during lockdown and
(a) Cornwall Council -Grass Cutting Contract
(b) Glendale re Grass Cutting Contract
(c) Wadebridge & Padstow Community Network Meeting – 11/3/21 – report.
(d) Local Election - procedures.
9. Code of Conduct
10. To approve the date of the next meeting on Tuesday the 20th APRIL 2021 at 7.00 p.m.
11. Items for the next meeting: -.