The next Meeting of the Parish Council will take place on TUESDAY 15th JUNE 2021 at 7.00 p.m. at the Shuttleworth Hall, Egloshayle.
Yours sincerely
J.L. Pomeroy
Clerk & RFO to the Parish Council
1. To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Request.
3. Register of Interests/Declaration of Acceptance of Office (Cllr Varcoe)
4. Public Session
5. To confirm Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 18th Mayth 2021.
6. To consider matters arising from the last meeting:
(a) King Georges Field
(b) NHP
(c) Wifi/Projection Equipment
(d) Barclays Mandate
(e) Co-option
7. Planning Notices :
PA21/02566 – Land E of Polgara, Higher Tregleath – Conversion/Extension - withdrawn.
8. Payment of Accounts – Ratification of payments made under delegated lockdown powers and each authorised by two Councillors :
See Clean - Bus Shelter Maintenance - £43.80
Glendale Grounds - Grass Cutting £360.00
Shuttleworth Hall - Hire £30.00.
HMRC - PAYE t.b.c.
J.L. Pomeroy - Salary/Expenses t.b.c.
Impress51 - Website Hosting £90.00
9. Correspondence Received: as circulated and
(a) P. Solomon Contract
(b) Code of Conduct Training
(c) Hingham Bridlepath
(d) Planning – River Camel Area of Conservation
(e) Wadebridge & Padstow Community Network Meeting 10/6/21
(f) Camel Trail Partnership Update - circulated
10. To approve the date of the next meeting on Tuesday the 20th July 2021.
11. Items for the next meeting: -.