To All Councillors
The next Meeting of the Parish Council will take place on TUESDAY 18th April 2023 at 7.00 p.m. at the Shuttleworth Hall, Egloshayle.

Yours sincerely
J.L. Pomeroy
Clerk & RFO to the Parish Council

1. To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Requests
3. Public Session

4. To confirm Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 21st March 2023.

5. To consider matters arising from the last meeting:
(a) King Georges Field Fencing
(b) Local Medical Centre
(c) Councillor Vacancies
(d) Grass Cutting & LMP Agreement.

6. Planning Notices :

7. Payment of Accounts –
See Clean - Bus Shelter Maintenance - £50.40
Shuttleworth Hall - Hire £32.00
CALC - Annual Subscription £252.23
Trudgeon Halling - Audit t.b.c.

8. Correspondence Received: as circulated &
(a) Community Area Partnerships - Format
(b) Barclays Bank
(c) C.C. Public Space Protection Order.
(d) Social Prescribing -updates
(e) Devon & Cornwall Police Monthly Newsletter
(f) Wadebridge Commemorative Stone
(g) Citizens Advice – Egloshayle Parish
(h) Sladesbridge Highway Drainage

9. To approve the date of the next meeting on Tuesday the May 2023. (16th NO)

10. Items for the next meeting: -.