The next Meeting of the Parish Council will take place at the Shuttleworth Memorial Hall
On TUESDAY 16th April 2019 at 7.30 p.m

Yours sincerely
J.L. Pomeroy
Clerk to the Parish Council
1. To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Requests

3. Public Session

4. To confirm Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 19th March 2019.

5. To consider matters arising from the last meeting:
(a) NHP – update
(b) Ball Roundabout
(c) Barclays Mandate
(d) Parish Phonebox

6. To review Planning Notices –
PA19/01596 – Tregarthen Rd from Long Meadow Bodieve – OPP New Dwellings-for comment.
PA18/05209 – OPP Ball Meadow, Bodieve – notice of appeal.
PA18/11544 – Old Post Office Washaway – Conversion/Extension – withdrawn.

7. Payment of Accounts
(a) SeeClean - Bus Shelter Maintenance £43.80
(b) Cornwall ALC - Annual Subscription £197.12
(c) Trudgeon Halling - Audit Fee t.b.c.

8. Annual Accounts:
a) External Audit Exemption
b) Annual Governance Statement
c) Accounting Statements
d) Receipts & Payments Summary, Reconciliation & Variances.
9. Correspondence Received:
(a) Community & Governance Review – circulated for response
(b) Highways Management Sessions – circulated.
(c) -----
(d) ----

10. To approve the date of the next meeting on Tuesday the 14th May 2019 at 7.30 p.m to be followed by the Annual Parish Meeting.

11. Items for the next meeting: -.