Minutes of the Meeting held at Shuttleworth Hall Egloshayle on Tuesday 19th November 2019 at 7.30 p.m.

Cllrs Davey (Chairman), Collis, Eddy, Howard, Nicholas, Oram, Varcoe & C.C.s Knightley & Rushworth & 1 member of the Public.
Apologies – Cllrs Baker, Hurst & Warne.

96. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Requests. – None

97. Public Session – Cllr Knightley referred to the work of the Inshore Fisheries Committee and poaching and conservation matters. The recent Community Network Meeting had presentations from the Police and an update on Camel Trail matters. He highlighted the availability of the local Community Bus, including transport provided by the Betjman Centre vehicles. Cllr Rushworth spoke of the plans for Langarth in Truro and also there was general discussion relating to flood relief contingencies in Wadebridge and the benefit of local knowledge to address specific local flooding situations.

98. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Resolved that Minutes of the Meeting on Tuesday 15th October 2019 be approved as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr Oram & seconded Cllr Eddy.

99. Matters Arising
(a) NHP – awaiting consultants update.
(b) Ball Roundabout – Chairman and Clerk to attend meeting on 20/11/19 to discuss with Creative Arts.
(c) Barclays Mandate – awaiting further response.
(d) A389 Croan Bends – response circulated relating to chevron bend markers, hazard warning post & permanent slippery road boards with work to be undertaken before year end.
(e) Parish Dinner – Cllr Nicholas reviewing potential venues and tentative date agreed 1/02/20

100. Planning Notices
PA19/08803 – Land NE of Copperfield Bodieve – Reserved matters – no objections raised.
PA19/09380 - Croan Cottage Egloshayle – Grade II alterations –supported by Parish..
PA19/08169 – Land South of Ball Cottages – erection of 4 Dwellings – Cllrs noted that the Bat Survey Report had been redacted and a reptile survey had not been undertaken despite recommendation. The location of the proposed bat roost was questioned and there were also concerns at the loss of the Cornish Hedge. Not supported pending further reports. Previous application showed 3 units an increase to 4 is a concern given the size of the plot to the detriment of the ability to position the now 4 units making the area over dense.


101. Payment of Accounts
(a) SeeClean - Bus Shelter Maintenance £43.80
(b) Glendale Grounds - Grasscutting. £360.00
(c) D.P. Solomon - Footpath Maintenance £320.00
Proposed Cllr Nicholas, seconded Cllr Howard. Agreed.

102. Correspondence Received
(a) Pendower Beach AONB - circulated
(b) Localism Newsletter - circulated
(c) WREN Review Meeting – 12/11/19
(d) Cornwall Land Community Trust - circulated
(e) Polling Districts - circulated
(f) Speedcheck - circulated
(g) Wadebridge & Padstow Community Network Mtg – 13/11/19
(h) Affordable Housing Figures – circulated
(i) Environment Nuisance/Crime Enforcement Training – circulated
(j) Planning Agents/Local Councils Newsletter – circulated
(k) Localism Summit Feedback – circulated
(l) LMP 2020/21
(m) Climate Change – FOI request – pending CALC guidance.

103. Annual Precept.
The Clerk had circulated a financial summary to date with estimated budget expenditure for the year 2020/21 noting potential contingencies and projected balance held. It was agreed final precept decision to be made at Decembers meeting with the benefit of any implications concerning the Ball Roundabout project.

104. Community Governance Review
Indications from the C.C. Website showed that no changes were recommended but Cllr Collis had a copy of Wadebridge Town Council Minutes saying that C.C. were not accepting the “no change” recommendation. Cllr Rushworth had attended a C.C. Meeting which reflected “change”. The Chairman and Clerk agreed to seek clarification from C.C. being aware of the review timetable.

105. Date of the next Meeting
Agreed next meeting on TUESDAY 17th December 2019 at 7.30 p.m.

106. Items for next Meeting – 1. St. Breock Wind Farm – Cllr Nicholas seeking an additional Panel member. 2. Parish Dinner. 3.Ball Roundabout

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.30 p.m.