Minutes of the Meeting held at Shuttleworth Hall Egloshayle on Tuesday 18th February 2020 at 7.30 p.m.

Cllrs Davey (Chairman), Baker, Collis, Eddy, Howard, Oram, Varcoe & Warne & C.Clr. Knightley.
Apologies – Cllrs Hurst, Nicholas & Moorcroft.
010. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Requests - none.

011. Public Session - Cllr Knightley reported on the “Forest for Cornwall” initiative.

012. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Resolved that Minutes of the Meeting on Monday 21st January 2020 be approved as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr Howard & seconded Cllr Varcoe.

013. Matters Arising
(a) NHP – the Chairman provided an update, confirming that he had been advised by Sarah Furley that the Parish Council could not move forward with the NHP alone. However Wadebridge Town Council had taken advice from a Consultant via Cornwall Council and been advised that they can proceed separately. Councillors had a lengthy discussion, also being aware of correspondence seen between the Wadebridge Town Clerk, the appointed NHP Consultant and St. Breock Parish Council. The position was not acceptable and they were reminded of a letter dated 20/02/13 from Cornwall Council confirming the designation of the Egloshayle, St. Breock and Wadebridge Neighbourhood Area and the official status it holds. On this basis further contact needs to be made with Cornwall Council at the highest level strongly stating that the NHP is an agreement between the three Councils and can only proceed on that basis. The Parish Council would not wish to be unreasonable in achieving early progress to complete the NHP process. It was agreed the Chairman will prepare a letter to W.T.C., copied to Sarah Furley & Phil Mason, expressing dismay at W.T.C. seeking to proceed alone with the NHP and should this occur then E.P.C. will seek such recourse available to ensure that the NHP advances in accordance with the original agreement ratified by C.C. in February 2013.
(b) CGR – Public Event 27/02/20 and the Parish is to respond formally by 24th March.
(c) Ball Roundabout - further contact and we await design proposal response.

014. Planning Notices – none.
015. Payment of Accounts
(a) See Clean - Bus Shelter Maintenance £43.80
Proposed by Cllr Baker & seconded by Cllr Eddy. Agreed.

016. Correspondence Received
(a) Local Maintenance Partnership 2020/21- confirmation agreement signed.
(b) Camel Trail Partnership – the Clerk gave an update from the recent Meeting.
(c) C.C. Climate Change Development Planning Document - circulated
(d) C.C. Off-Street Parking Order 2020
(e) C.C. Planning News – circulated
(f) Crime Commissioner Newsletter – circulated
(g) C.C. Town & Parish Newsletter – circulated
(h) C.C. Neighbourhood Planning Update – circulated.
(i) WREN Community Fund – circulated
(j) Bodieve Development – correspondence circulated

017. Date of the next Meeting
Agreed next Meeting on TUESDAY 17th March 2020 at 7.30 p.m.

018. Items for next Meeting – CGR response.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 20.50.