Minutes of the Meeting held at Shuttleworth Hall Egloshayle on Tuesday 18th May 2021 at 7.00 p.m.

Cllrs Davey (Chairman), Baker, Collis, Eddy, Howard, Nicholas, Oram, Warne & C.Cllrs Moorcroft & Mould.

Apologies – Cllr Varcoe.

42. Declarations of Interests/Dispensation Requests. None
43. Election of Chairman
Proposed by Cllr Nicholas and seconded by Cllr Eddy that Cllr Davey be elected. Agreed.

44. Election of Vice Chairman
Proposed by Cllr Oram and seconded by Cllr Howard that Cllr Collis be elected. Agreed.

45. Election of representatives
(a) Footpaths Officer – Proposed by Cllr Baker & seconded by Cllr Howard that Cllr Eddy be elected. Agreed.
(b) Camel Trail Partnership – Proposed by Cllr Howard & seconded by Cllr Oram that the Clerk (current Chairman) continues in this role. Agreed.
(c) Neighbourhood Plan – Proposed by Cllr Eddy & seconded by Cllr Howard that the Chairman & Clerk continue in this role. Agreed.
46. Register of Interests/Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
All Councillors present completed documents in the presence of the Clerk.
47. Public Session
Cllrs Robin Moorcroft & Carol Mould, as newly elected Cornwall Councillors, formally introduced themselves and were congratulated on their appointment.
48. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Resolved that Minutes of the Meeting on Tuesday 20th April 2021 be approved as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr Oram & seconded Cllr Howard.

49.Matters Arising
(a) King Georges Field – quotes were being requested for replacement fencing and Cllr Eddy mentioned alternative options for post types.
(b) NHP – no response from Wadebridge Town Council.

50. Planning Notices
PA21/03147 – Unit 1 Knights Business Park – change of use – approved by C.C.

51. Payment of Accounts
(a) See Clean - Bus Shelter Maintenance £43.80
(b) Glendale – Grass Cutting £360.00
(c) Zurich Insurance - Insurance Renewal £257.60
(d) Shuttlewoth Hall - Hire May £30.00
Ratification of payments made under delegated lockdown powers and each authorised by two Councillors.
52. Sladesbridge Defibrillator Funding
A request had been received via Cllr Oram for funding of approx. £190 to enable payment of the annual service fee due in July. As a community facility Councillors were supportive and Cllr Mould was able to advise that nearby Parish Councils made similar payments for this service in their locality. It was therefore proposed by Cllr Oram & seconded by Cllr Collis that payment be agreed when invoice is submitted direct to the Parish Council in due course. Agreed.



53. Annual Accounts & Audit
All details having been circulated. Letter from Accountants confirming satisfactory audit.
(a) External Audit Exemption – Proposed Cllr Collis & seconded Cllr Eddy. Agreed
(b)Annual Governance Statement - Proposed Cllr Oram & seconded Cllr Howard. Agreed.
(c)Accounting Statements – Proposed Cllr Nicholas & seconded Cllr Collis. Agreed.
(d) Receipts & Payments, Summary, Reconciliation and Variances – Proposed Cllr Collis & seconded Cllr Nicholas. Agreed.
Cllr Nicholas mentioned funding for enhanced WiFi/Screen Projection etc at future Meetings and this would be discussed at the next Meeting.

54. Correspondence Received
(a) Election updates - circulated
(b) Code of Conduct Update & Training – the further revised Code of Conduct had been circulated and it was proposed by Cllr Oram and seconded by Cllr Baker that this be adopted. Agreed. Councillors were reminded of the requirement to undertake training within six months of appointment, which could be facilitated on-line.
(c) Hingham Bridlepath – the Clerk had contacted the Countryside Officer in respect of the poor condition of the gaetway access at Sladesbridge. Questions of land ownership and whether a gate was still required had been raised. The view was that access was adjacent to the A389 and potential straying of livestock could be a major H & S issue if the gate was removed. The Clerk will continue correspondence.

55. Date of the next Meeting
Agreed next Meeting on TUESDAY 15th June 2021 with an agreed start time of 7.00 p.m.

56. Items for next Meeting : -
(a) Footpath contract
(b) Barclays Mandate revision
(c) Co-option Review following formal Notice to invite potential candidates.
(d) Wifi/Projection Facilities.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.05 p.m.