Minutes of the Meeting held at the Shuttleworth Hall Egloshayle on Tuesday 17th August 2021 at 7.00 p.m.
Cllrs Davey (Chairman), Collis, Eddy, Knightley, Oram, Varcoe, Warne & C.Cllrs Moorcroft & Mould.
Apologies – Cllrs Baker, Howard & Nicholas .
78. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Requests. – None
79.Public Session - Cllr Mould advised that the Future of the Sports Centre was under threat and a review was ongoing. The Vistry development (see PA20/10911) had ongoing issues yet to be clarified. This then linked into a discussion about the ongoing NHP and finding a way forward. Once again there was no evidence of a response from Wadebridge Town Council (WTC) to previous requests for sight of the Revised Draft Plan (RDP), prepared by Consultants and paid for by Cornwall Council. The history of the NHP was again highlighted and Cllr Mould said she found this helpful and would approach WTC Mayor & Clerk to elicit an urgent response to both EPC & St. Breock P.C. The release of the RDP was essential and questions would also be asked at C.C. as they had paid for it. It was noted that WTC had not met for the last two months and there were indications that an Election may be called, with the absence of possible General Powers Competance. Cllr Mould acknowledged that EPC was still willing to go forward with the NHP, with the co-operation of the other two Councils.
80. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Resolved that Minutes of the Meeting on Tuesday 20th July 2021 be approved as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr Knightley & seconded Cllr Oram .
81. Matters Arising
(a) King Georges Field – ongoing
(b) NHP – as above.
(c) Wifi/Projection Equipment – further review.
(d) Barclays Mandate – now completed.
(e) Washaway – Highway Issues – a Site Meeting had taken place with Cllrs Eddy & Moorcroft, together with Oliver Jones (C.C.) and a local resident. This had been very productive resulting in a detailed response to the issues raised which will be circulated.
(f) Forest for Cornwall – application has been submitted.
82. Planning Notices
PA21/07113 Tredannick Farm – Proposed replacement Dwelling – supported by Parish Council.
PA20/10911 Land off Higher Trenant - landscaping, layout, 203 dwellings – not supported on the basis of a clear overview of the entire development and all its aspects, including drainage, layout, appearance, materials, has not been made available to make an informed comment.
83. Payment of Accounts:
(a) See Clean - Bus Shelter Maintenance - £43.80
(b) Glendale Grounds - Grass Cutting £360.00
(c) Shuttleworth Hall - Hire £30.00.
(d) Duchy Defibrillators - Sladesbridge £192.00
Proposed by Cllr Collis & seconded Cllr Eddy. Agreed.
84. Correspondence Received
As circulated with no action required..
85. Date of the next Meeting
Agreed next meeting on TUESDAY 21st September 2021 at 7.00 p.m.
86. Items for next Meeting –
1. Community Network Meeting 15/9/21 – Cllr Knightley to attend.
2. Proposed Red, White & Blue Planting Area.
3. Sladesbridge overgrown Highway footpath
There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 20.30 p.m.