Minutes of the Meeting held at Shuttleworth Hall Egloshayle on Tuesday 16th November 2021 at 7.00 p.m.
Cllrs Davey (Chairman), Collis, Eddy, Howard, Knightley, Nicholas, Oram, Varcoe, Warne & C.Clrs Moorcroft & Mould.
Apologies – Cllr Baker.
106. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Requests. – None

107. Public Session
Cllrs Moorcroft & Mould gave brief update reports.
108. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Resolved that Minutes of the Meeting on Tuesday 19th October 2021 be approved as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr Warne & seconded Cllr Varcoe.
109. Matters Arising
(a) King Georges Field- ongoing
(b) NHP – a copy of the WTC email response to St. Breock had been circulated. The Clerk reported on conversations he had with both Sarah Mason at CALC & Robert Lacey at Cornwall Council. Councillors discussed the subject once again in detail with thoughts of disengaging from the NHP now, with proposals to prepare our own Parish Plan. There was a wish for the current plan to go forward but they were coming to the conclusion that it was not going to happen. Withdrawal from the current joint NHP was not a simple process as all three participants had to agree to this. Robert Lacey had offered guidance concerning the present situation and it was agreed that we should initially arrange a Meeting with him before making any further decisions.
(c) Wadebridge Cemetery contribution – WTC Letter received and the Clerk was to request the last two years invoices in order that they may be settled before the year end.
(d) Egloshayle Cemetery – a report of the recent site meeting was circulated.
(e) Leisure Centre – Parish support had been acknowledged and a petition was being circulated for individuals to show their support to keep the Leisure Centre open. Other options locally were also being discussed to retain the facility.
(f) Forest for Cornwall/Landmark Tree – Cllr.Eddy and the Clerk had met at Pencarrow with Sir William Molesworth and his Gardener and an ideal location in the Parkland had been identified. Delivery was expected shortly, for immediate planting with a formal ceremony to be arranged in the Spring.
(g) Parish Spring Dinner – Cllr Nicholas suggested March 12th and would make enquiries.

110. Planning Notices
PA21/02485 – PREAPP – 3 Corners Lemail – Single Dwelling – closed advice given.
PA21/10543 – Bozion Barton – Landscaping Works – supported by the Parish.

111. Payment of Accounts
(a) SeeClean - Bus Shelter Maintenance £43.80
(b) Glendale Grounds - Grasscutting. £360.00
(c) Poppy Appeal - Wreath £20.00
(d) Shuttleworth Hall - Hire £30.00
Proposed by Cllr Nicholas & seconded by Cllr Knightley. Agreed.

112. Correspondence Received
(a) Parish Precept 2022/23 - documents circulated for information, highlighting outstanding queries and with no questions raised at this stage Councillors will make final decision at the December meeting.
(b) Standards Committee Update – circulated.
(c) Sladesbridge Seat Replcement Report – Cllr Oram had prepared a detailed report with quotes received and it was proposed by Cllr Nicholas and seconded by Cllr Howard that expenditure up to £200 be agreed. Agreed.
(d) Red, White & Blue Seeds – Cllrs Mooorcroft & Mould had provided seeds for planting in the Parish.
(e) W & P Community Network Panel Meeting – the Clerk presented a report.
(f) Sladesbridge Footpath – works now completed and the Clerk will thank Oliver Jones for his help.

113. Date of the next Meeting
Agreed next meeting on TUESDAY 14th December 2021 at 7.00 p.m

114. Items for next Meeting – 1. Precept

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.50 p.m.