Minutes of the Meeting held at the Shuttleworth Hall, Egloshayle on Tuesday 15th March 2022 at 7.00 p.m.

Cllrs Davey (Chairman), Eddy, Howard, Knightley, Nicholas, Oram, Varcoe, Warne.

Apologies – Cllrs Baker, Collis, Moorcroft & Mould.

19. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Requests. – none

20. Public Session - None.

21. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Resolved that Minutes of the Meeting on Tuesday 15th February 2022 be approved as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr Knightley & seconded Cllr Oram.

22. Matters Arising
(a) NHP – Further reminder sent to WTC for copy of latest Consultants report as it was stated by the WTC Mayor at the recent Planning Appeal that it was ready and available.
(b) Landmark Tree Plaque – wording had been revised slightly following consultation with the Molesworth St. Aubyn Family and a quote received for brass plaque mounted on wood for approx. £70.00. Proposed by Cllr Varcoe and seconded by Cllr Knightley that we procced and agreed by Cllrs.

23. Planning Notices - None.

24. Payment of Accounts
(a) See Clean - Bus Shelter Maintenance £43.80
(b) J.L. Pomeroy - Salary/Expenses(Jan to March) as contract
(c) HMRC - PAYE as contract
(d) Shuttleworth Hall - Hire £30.00
Also to confirm Clerks backdated NJC 2021/22 Salary Award
Proposed by Cllr Nicholas & seconded by Cllr Oram. Agreed.
25. Correspondence Received
(a) Agency Agreement Grass Cutting Contract – this had been reviewed by the Clerk and with reduced grant monies from Cornwall Council and the impact on wildlife and other environment issues it was proposed that only four cuts in April, June, August and October were required. Glendale Grounds would continue the work for 22/23 and the Clerk is currently in contact concerning costs in comparison with previous year. Proposed Cllr Nicholas and seconded Cllr Howard. Agreed..
(b) Wadebridge & Padstow Community Network Meeting – Cllr Knightley had attended and gave a report, including the serious situation of discharges from local SWW sewage works into water courses, which appeared to be occurring without wider public awareness. A campaign of information was underway and Cllrs fully supported measures to prevent SWW from such actions which were damaging to all forms of ecosystems.
(c) WREN – Community Wind Farm Applications – sent to Cllrs Davey & Nicholas for action.
(d) Wadebridge Leisure Centre – correspondence received from one of the potential bidders/applicants.
(e) Office of Police & Crime Commissioner – Heating Oil Theft Warning.

26. Date of the next Meeting
Agreed next Meeting on TUESDAY 19th April 2022 at 7.00 p.m.

27. Items for next Meeting – .Bodieve Bus Stop


There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 19.45 p.m.