Minutes of the Meeting held at the Shuttleworth Hall Egloshayle on Tuesday 16th August 2022 at 7.00 p.m.

Cllrs Davey (Chairman), Eddy, Howard, Knightley, Oram, Varcoe, Warne & C.Cllr Moorcroft & one member of the Public.

Apologies – Cllrs Baker, Collis, Nicholas & C.Cllr Mould.

68. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Requests. – Cllr. Knightley – PA22/06108

69.Public Session
A presentation re Forest for Cornwall is arranged for the September Meeting. The future maintenance of the Wadebridge Cemetery was discussed, and it was hoped a Community Payback scheme would be of benefit., in liaison with the Parochial Church Council and Cllr Moorcroft.

70. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Resolved that Minutes of the Meeting on Tuesday 19th July 2022 be approved as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr Howard & seconded Cllr Oram .

71. Matters Arising
(a) NHP – closure required in order to proceed further.
(b) Wadebridge Cemetery contribution – proposal for joint agreement with the Town Council to be given consideration by the Chairman and Clerk before arranging next meeting.
(c) Bodieve Bus Stop – no immediate action in view of references in the Bodieve planning appeal.
(d) Sladesbridge Bus Shelter – Cllr Oram had provided an estimate of material costs for repairs and it was proposed by Cllr Knightley and seconded by Cllr Varcoe that a figure of up to £150 be accepted. Agreed.

72. Planning Notices - (Cllr Knightley left the Meeting)
PA22/06108 – Land North of Trelawney Halt, Sladesbridge – OPP – Dwelling.
Not supported. Reservations over development in the countryside. Proposal not horticulural linked and some distance from existing enterprise. Former residential property on main site is currently unoccupied.
PA20/10912 – Higher Trenant Road – Open Space/Highway Works re PA17/05689 – approved by C.C.

73. Payment of Accounts: - (Cllr Knightley rejoined the Meeting).
(a) See Clean - Bus Shelter Maintenance - £50.40
(b) Glendale Grounds - Grass Cutting (invoice awaited) £264.00
(c) Shuttleworth Hall - Hire £30.00.
(d) Duchy Defibrillators - Annual Contract £228.00
Proposed by Cllr Knightley & seconded Cllr Oram. Agreed.

74. Correspondence Received
As circulated and:
(a) Annual Audit – Exemption confirmed and Councillors agreed to continue with the existing audit and opted in for this arrangement for the future years.
(b) A Mayor for Cornwall – not supported by Councillors and the Clerk will respond.
(c) Footpath Maintenance and Footpath 10 – The Clerk advised that our usual Contractor had been instructed to cut Bridlepaths 9 & 12 together with Footpath 5. This being less than previous years due to the boundary change. Issues with Footpath 10 had been reported and Cllrs were aware that substantial costs by Cornwall Council were necessary to make this easily accessible. Cllr Moorcroft has agreed to liaise with C.C., Cllr Eddy and the landowner to arrange a site meeting to discuss the way forward.
The overgrown footpath opposite Sladesbridge Garden Centre had been reported by the Clerk to C.C. together with photos taken by Cllr. Oram.

(d) Land at Bodieve – Notification that Planning Appeal has been supported and approved by the Planning Inspectorate.

75. Date of the next Meeting
Agreed next meeting on TUESDAY 20th September 2022 at 7.00 p.m.

76. Items for next Meeting –
1. Forest for Cornwall presentation
2. Sladesbridge overgrown footpath update.
3. Pencarrow plaque review.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 19.50 p.m.