Minutes of the Meeting held at Shuttleworth Hall Egloshayle on Tuesday 20th December 2022 at 7.00 p.m.

Cllrs Davey (Chairman), Eddy, Knightley, Nicholas & C.Clrs.Moorcroft & Mould.

Apologies – Cllrs Baker, Collis, Howard, Oram & Warne.

104. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Requests. – Cllr Knightley re PA22/01860.

105. Public Session
Cllr. Moorcroft referred to upcoming revision to Phosphate calculators on the River Allen. Cllr Mould updated on works at Wadebridge Cemetery and Cllr Davey advised that the Shuttleworth Hall was providing facilities for the Probation “Payback Scheme” during the works.

106. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Resolved that Minutes of the Meeting on Tuesday 15th November be approved as a correct record. Proposed Cllr Eddy & seconded Cllr Nicholas.

107. Matters Arising
(a) Councillor Vacancy – for review at next Meeting.
(b) Parish Dinner – Cllr Nicholas to review options for a February date.
(c) Camel Trail Partnership Meeting – report from the Clerk & Cllr Moorcroft.
(d) Sladesbridge Footpath/Highway – works now completed to a good standard by C.C.

108. Planning Notices
PA22/10520 – Coldrock Treworder Lane – OPP 3 Dwellings - Not supported. This application makes reference to a PREAPP of 2018 which no longer has relevance in view of more recent local planning events which have not been referred to, including refusal upon appeal of a major planning proposal adjoining this location. This proposal remains a development in the countryside. Reference is also made to house building targets which have now been overtaken by recent approvals.
PA22/10598 – Kelly Farm Cottage – Siting of Annexe – no objection by Parish Council.
PA22/01860 - Land N of Trelawney Halt – PREAPP – Dwelling – advice given by C.C.

109. Payment of Accounts
(a) SeeClean - Bus Shelter Maintenance £50.40
(b) SLCC - Annual Subscription £112.00
(c) P. Solomon - Footpath Maintenance £375.00
(d) Shuttleworth Hall - Hire £30.00
(e) J.L.Pomeroy - Salary/Expenses as contract
(f) HMRC - PAYE as contract
Proposed by Cllr Eddy & seconded by Cllr Knightley. Agreed.
Outstanding payment to Glendale pending query by the Clerk.

110. Correspondence Received – as circulated and
(a) Barclays Bank Mandate – correspondence ongoing
(b) External Auditor Appointment
(c) Cornwall Devolution Deal
(d) Social Prescribing updates
(e) Washaway – Consultation Letter - Bus Stop plans agreed. Proposed by Cllr Knightley and seconded by Cllr Eddy. Old School Lane proposals ongoing.
(f) Cornwall Council Finance Briefing


(g) Parish Website update – Impress quotation proposals reviewed and it was proposed by Cllr Eddy and seconded by Cllr Knightley that the Monthly Management Package of £150 p.a. plus annual domain/hosting cost be accepted. Agreed.
(h) Local Maintenance Partnership 2023/24 – advance notice.

111. Date of the next Meeting
Agreed next meeting on TUESDAY 17th January 2023 at 7.00 p.m.

112. Items for next Meeting –
1. Grit Bins 2. Parish Dinner. 3. Co-option. 4. Local Medical Centre.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.20 p.m.