Minutes of the Meeting held at Shuttleworth Hall Egloshayle on Tuesday 21st November 2023 at 7.00 p.m.
Cllrs Knightley (Vice Chairman), Danning, Eddy, Howard, Nicholas, & Simon Eddy.
Apologies – Cllrs Baker, Davey, Oram & C.Cllr.s Moorcroft & Mould.

95. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Requests. – None

96. Public Session - None.

97. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Resolved that Minutes of the Meeting on Monday 16th October 2023 be approved as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr Eddy & seconded Cllr Howard.

98. Matters Arising
(a) Councillor Co-option – Councillors were pleased to welcome Simon Eddy and after being proposed by Cllr Nicholas and seconded by Cllr Danning he was unanimously elected as Councillor to the Parish Council. Register of Interests, Declaration of Acceptance and Email approval was completed , together with issue of Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
(b) Councillor Vacancy – Statutory Notice had now expired and further co-option was now possible.
(c) C.C. NHP Update – nothing to report.

99. Planning Notices
PA23/06564 – OPP Coldrock TreworderLane Egloshayle – 2 Dwellings – agree to disagree and approved by C.C.
PA22/04990 – Higher Lemail, Sandylands – Barn conversion/extension – withdrawn.

100. Payment of Accounts
(a) SeeClean - Bus Shelter Maintenance £57.96
(b) Glendale Grounds - Grasscutting. £290.36
(c) Poppy Appeal - Wreath £25.00
(d) Shuttleworth Hall - Hire £32.00
(e) P. Solomon - Footpath Maintenance £375.00
Proposed by Cllr Nicholas & seconded by Cllr Danning. Agreed.

101. Correspondence Received
(a) Devon & Cornwall Police Alerts – as circulated.
(b) C.C. NHP Teams Meeting 23/11/23
(c) C.C. Newsletters and updates.
(d) Parish Precept 2024/25 - documents circulated for information and discussion noting the current reserves held. Councillors confirmed Precept to remain at £7000. Proposed Cllr A.Eddy and seconded Cllr Danning. Agreed.
(e) NALC National Salary Award 2023/24 - Proposed by Cllr A.Eddy and Seconded by Cllr Nicholas that this be confirmed, together with backdated payment due. Agreed.

102. Date of the next Meeting
Agreed next meeting on TUESDAY 19th December 2023 at 7.00 p.m

103. Items for next Meeting – 1. Parish Dinner . 2. Co-option. 3. Open Forum.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.20 p.m.