Minutes of the Meeting held at the Shuttleworth Hall Egloshayle on Tuesday 16th July 2024 at 7.00 p.m.

Cllrs Davey (Chairman), Danning, A.Eddy, S. Eddy, Knightley, Oram, & C.Cllrs. Moorcroft & Mould. & two members of the Public.
Apologies – CllrNicholas

50. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Requests. – Cllrs Danning and Knightley re PA24/03818.

51. Public Session
The applicant and his representative for PA24/03818 were available to provide further information and answer any questions from Cllrs regarding the application.
Cllr. Mould gave updates on various local matters, including local grass cutting, Trenant Vale and footpath closures..Cllr Moorcroft mentioned further Bank closures and thoughts regarding a Banking Hub.
52. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Resolved that Minutes of the Meeting on Tuesday 21st May 2024 be approved as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr A. Eddy & seconded Cllr Knightley.
53. Matters Arising
(a) Sladesbridge Bus Shelter – invoice pending
(b) Councillor Vacancy - pending
(c) NHP Update – A letter was awaited from St. Breock Parish but it is expected that an informal Meeting can take place in due course between the three Council Chairmen and Vice Chairmen & Cllrs Mould and Moorcroft at Wadebridge Town Hall, to consider a way forward for the benefit of the local communities. The Town Clerk will be present but not take part in any discussion. It was proposed by Cllr Knightley and seconded by Cllr A.Eddy that this be agreed in anticipation of a Meeting taking place. Agreed.
(d) Fencing Site Meeting – September review – noting recent E.A. work
(e) Bridlepath Gate – Gate has been repaired but Clerk has been in contact with C.C. re broken fencing. Cllrs agreed to authorize work in view of minimal work required.
(f) Pencarrow Visit – Clerk to review.
(g) Sladesbridge planned footpath – following contact between Cllr Moorcroft and Highways it has been indicated that total work is costed at £6K , with a request that the Parish contribute £3K. It was proposed by Cllr Knightley and seconded by Cllr Oram that this be approved. Agreed and Cllr Moorcroft will liaise with Oliver Jones (C.C.). It was noted that recent C.I.L. funds received were available for funding.
(h) Ball Roundabout – Cllr Moorcroft in discussion with Highways.
(i) LMP – Contractor has been instructed re Footpaths/Bridlepath.
54. Planning Notices - Cllrs Danning and Knightley left the Meeting.
PA24/03818- Trelawney G.C. – Demolition of existing cottage and proposed new dwelling - Supported by Parish Council. Councillors have considered the Section 52 (1979) document and are aware this is now outdated and superseded by current policies. It is suggested that consideration be given to soften the appearance of the wall structure adjacent to the A389 with planted screening.
PA24/02039 – Coldrock Treworder Lane – Reserved matters – approved by C.C.
PA24/01530 – Land S. of Ball Cottages – compliance – approved by C.C.
Cllrs Danning and Knightley rejoined the Meeting.

55. Payment of Accounts:
(a) See Clean - Bus Shelter Maintenance £57.96
(b) See Clean -do- £57.96
(c) Shuttleworth Hall - Hire July £32.00
(d) J.L. Pomeroy - Salary/Expenses Apr-June as contract
(e) H.M.R.C. - PAYE as contract
(f) Impress 51 - Web Hosting £102.00
(g) Glendale - Grass Cutting July t.b.c.
Proposed by Cllr Danning and seconded Cllr Oram. Agreed.

56. Correspondence Received
As circulated
(a) Devon & Cornwall Police Alerts
(b) Camel Valley CAP – 22nd July – Cllr Knightley to attend
(c) Cornwall Council Planning Newsletters
(d) C.C. – Newsletters and updates
(e) Sladesbridge Post Box – Cllr Moorcroft has been in contact with the Post Office due to the current difficult access for both residents and Postal workers. It is suggested that the box be relocated next to the Bus Shelter.
57. Date of the next Meeting
Agreed next Meeting on TUESDAY 20th August 2024 at 7.00 p.m.

58. Items for next Meeting – None

There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 20.20 p.m.