Minutes of the Meeting held at Shuttleworth Hall Egloshayle on Tuesday 21st November 2017 at 7.30 p.m.
Cllrs Davey (Chairman), Baker, Collis, Howard, Nicholas, Oram, Varcoe & Warne & C.C. Knightley.
Apologies – Cllr Eddy.
409. Public Session – Cllr Knightley gave a brief review of todays C.C. Meeting including decisions concerning an ethical investment policy and proposals for future hosting of the Cycling Tour of Britain and the economic benefits.
410. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Subject to an amendment to Minute 400 adding “A specific threat was made to Cllr Collis when Mr Finchman left at the end of the Meeting stating “good luck you will need it” in and aggressive manner. Resolved that Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 2nd November 2017 be approved as a correct record.
Proposed Cllr Warne & seconded Cllr Oram.
411. Declaration of Interests/Dispensation Requests. – None
412. Matters Arising
(a) NHP – Meeting scheduled for 22/11/17 to prepare a response to the FOI request and also questions raised by WTC. Cllrs expressed their continuing concerns that the NHP was not moving forward as hoped due to continuing delays instigated by WTC.
(b) Website – Equipment proposals to be reviewed in December.
(c) Footpaths – C.C. response indicated that work at Sladesbridge would form part of the forthcoming A389 planned work schedule.
(d) BT Phonebox – further discussion in December.
(Cllr Knightley left the Meeting)
413. Annual Precept.
Full discussion and noting the necessary provision for election costs in 2017/18 which were not fully required due to uncontested elections. However there remained potential costs in respect of NHP contribution and BT Box refurbishment and perhaps some involvement with the Library although currently this seems unlikely. After further discussion it was proposed by Cllr Warne and seconded by Cllr Oram that the Precept be reduced by £2000 to a figure for 2018/19 of £6250. Agreed.
414. Planning Notices
PA17/08301 – Pencarrow – various tree works – approved by C.C.
PA17/08484 – Land SW of Trenant – OPP Residential development – refused by C.C.
415. Payment of Accounts
(a) Cornwall Council - Election Expenses - £222.38 & £214.28 = £436.66
(Invoice awaited)
(b) P. Solomon - Footpath Maintenance (Invoice awaited)
416. Correspondence Received
(a) Community Network Panel updates – circulated.
(b) St Breock Windfarm Report – circulated.
(c) PACE Forum – 14th December Cllrs to attend.
417. Date of the next Meeting
Agreed next meeting on MONDAY 18th December 2017 at 7.30 p.m.
418. Items for next Meeting – ……………
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.40 p.m.